Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pollyanna Potter

Tom Potter is incensed that Immigration and Customs Enforcement, a federal law enforcement agency, would dare raid the Del Monte cannery in Portland and arrest 200 illegal aliens working there. Tom Potter, along with Randy Leonard, Dan Saltzman and Erik Sten have spent nearly a quarter of a million dollars so far to set up and run for one year a day labor site, the primary function of which is to get illegal alien day laborers off Portland's street corners and into a parking lot. Tom says these illegal aliens are workers who live in our community and deserve protection from the elements and possibly unscrupulous employers.
Earth To Tom: It is ILLEGAL for an illegal alien to work in the United States. It is ILLEGAL to hire an illegal alien.
A UCLA/U of Illinois national study of day laborers in 2006 (the holy grail of day laborer statistics) stated that 75% of day laborers are UNDOCUMENTED.
If you believe, Tom Potter et al, that it is compassionate to help those who only wish to better their and their families lives, why do you not insist that we open our borders to all Africans, most of whom live in squalid conditions much worse than those in South America?
Environmentalists, why are you silent on this issue? This is the greatest environmental issue of the future - overpopulation.
Labor unions, why do you not speak out against the illegal alien assault against your members' jobs and wages?
Catholic church, why do you not speak out against Potter's day labor site? The day labor site only entrenches illegal alien day laborers - most of whom are Catholic - into a life as second class citizens in the eyes of the law.
Legal businesses, where's your voice of outrage? If I owned a legal day labor hire site or a small construction company I would be screaming about illegal competition and its adverse effects on my business.
You think your taxes are too high? The workers and employers at the day labor site rarely pay ANY TAXES WHATSOEVER regarding these workers. YOU will pay their taxes.
Don't like welfare? Welfare parents are required to sign up for the jobs program in which they get help in finding a job. Illegal aliens on welfare do not have to sign up for the jobs program because it is illegal for them to work in this country.
Tired of reading or hearing every day about crimes, deaths and injuries caused by illegal aliens? Why do you not protest the Portland day labor site? Portland has been nice enough to set up a convenient location for you to make your feelings known - 240 NE MLK.

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